GoGreenTube strives to be the destination for the world to share and view green videos online that help provide important information about our environment, green technologies, innovations, products, and services so we as governments, corporations, organizations or individuals can "Go Green" using the most effective means possible.
Gogreentube.com Takes an Environmental Leadership Position by Joining Carbonfund.org’s CarbonFree Program.
GoGreenTube.com’s viewers are very concerned about global warming. Considering the implications of climate change, carbon offsets through Carbonfund.org are a natural extension of the work GoGreenTube.com does on behalf of its viewers.
GoGreenTube.com is an environmental education website. At GoGreenTube.com we want our viewers to learn about green products and green life style options, however we also want to do something with our viewers to help the environment. After an extensive search we found that Carbonfund.org had the same values as GoGreenTube.com, and offered a service that would benefit our viewers.
Posté par
green bubble
dans Documentary - Film, Fresh Goodies, Global warming, Trends and Marketing
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