"There is no business on a dead planet". C'est en partant de cette vérité qu'un californien a fondé une association de chefs d'entreprises qui s'engagent à verser 1% de leur chiffre d'affaires à des organismes œuvrant pour la protection de la terre (informations sur www.onepercentfortheplanet.com). Dans l'environnement économique actuel, c'est assez courageux, c'est donc surtout des entreprises familiales dirigées par un patron un peu idéaliste. Heureusement, ça existe, il y en a plus de 1000 dans le monde et 40 en France. Tout récemment une agence de Boulder (Colorado) a conçu gracieusement une campagne pour les faire connaître, campagne diffusée gracieusement par de nombreux supports, parce que la cause en vaut la peine et les annonces sympathiques. (Elles ont été finalistes des Kelly awards)
Cette campagne vient d'être traduite en français et je pense qu'elle mérite une large diffusion, pour les mêmes raisons . L'objectif est double : susciter des vocations de PDG concernés par l'environnement pour qu'ils rejoignent le mouvement, indiquer aux consommateurs que certaines entreprises font un effort considérable pour notre avenir et que ce serait bien de leur donner la préférence dans leurs achats.
Tous les médias qui pourront diffuser cette campagne seront les bienvenus, je t'adresse les annonces ce soir ou demain. Merci pour toute l'aide que tu pourras apporter.
Bernard M. // Original post on davidetceline.over-blog.com
Une initiative intérressante à partager et soutenir également sur Facebook Cause
Through their friendship, love for fly-fishing and respect for the great outdoors, Yvon Chouinard, founder of Patagonia and Craig Mathews, founder of Blue Ribbon Flies, realized in conversation one day that they had both been donating atleast 1% of their own business's total annual sales to non-profit environmental groups. They pondered this day why no one else was doing the same, or atleast lighting the fire under other business owners, waking them up and encouraging them to get cracking. Thus, being the go getters that Yvon and Craig are, they took matters into their own hands. Yvon called it an earth tax, Craig called it One Percent for the Planet. They went with Craig's idea and the community was born.
In 2002 20 US companies signed up to be members of One Percent for the Planet at the official launch in San Francisco, CA. Today, September 29th 2008, there are 988 member companies across the planet located on every continent except for Antarctica. All together, in 5 years, over 30 million dollars has been raised and donated to activists working to preserve and protect our planet's precious natural environments. The recipients of these donations, the activists, are non-profit environmental groups, also located all over the world. A list of the wide variety of recipient non-profits that have been approved, and the passionate member companies that make the comittment to donate atleast 1% of their total sales per year, can be found through the search engine on our website at www.onepercentfortheplanet.org .
You can support the One Percent for the Planet community by spreading the word! Ask your favorite businesses if they are members. If they aren't let them know we're here, that we're making it happen and they can help! Also tell your friends and family about us! Seek out businesses that are members of One Percent for the Planet and make purchases from them! Our member companies include Dentists, Real Estate Agents, Lawyers, Photographers, Musicians, Travel Guides, Hotels, Clothing Companies, Record Labels, Surfboard Shapers, Snowboard Companies, Boutiques, Restaurants, Brewing Companies, Wineries, Coffee Companies, Energy Bars and many more!!!
By making your purchases with these member companies, 3 things happen:
1. You know that some of your money is going back to preserving and protecting the natural environment.
2. You prove that each of us can create change through purchase decisions.
3. You reward those companies committed to maintaining a healthy planet.
Help us raise awareness for the One Percent for the Planet community. Help us change the way business is practiced around the world.
Help us "Keep Earth in Business"!
1% For The Planet
Posté par
green bubble
dans Fresh Goodies, Politic and Society, Sustainability, Trends and Marketing
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