The nature-versus-culture debate exists due to technological advances. Since the sixties, few artists have made defending Nature the leitmotiv of their work. Of what was originally called Land Art, or direct action on nature, some projects can be seen as part of the international ecology movement.
The first large-scale project of this sort was carried out by Argentine artist Nicolas García Uriburu when, in June of 1968, during the Venice Biennial, he dyed the waters of the Gran Canal (3 Km.) to protest the polluting of these waters. He was followed by Robert Smithson with his Spiral Jetty in April of 1970, and Robert Morris with the Ottawa Project in May of 1970.
In the 21st century, the environment is threatened by global warming, the destruction of tropical forests, excessive fishing and a shortage of drinking water. Only 2% of the world’s water is fresh water, and most of it is frozen in glaciers and icecaps.
Uriburu’s concern with these issues is evident in his work; whether they entail interventions in nature, paintings or sociological actions, his message is alarming. His colorings of waters around the world are innumerable, as are his manifestos against the indiscriminate destruction of the Amazon, which French critic Pierre Restany, in his Río Negro Manifesto (1978), called “the last reserve of integral nature,” or against tree plantations in different places around the world.
Coloration des Fontaines du Trocadéro, Paris, 1972 | Nicolas García Uriburu.
Nicolas García Uriburu x Green Paris
Posté par green bubble le 9/27/2008 1 commentaires
Le Jardin D'Eden
Posté par green bubble le 9/18/2008 1 commentaires
dans Environment, Fashion and Beauty, Fresh Goodies, Trends and Marketing
Le Concept
Lancé par la créatrice Nicole Maubert, ce cahier de coloriage vert est une façon ludique de sensibiliser nos enfants à la sauvegarde de notre petite planète bleu. Une quarantaine de créateurs et d'illustrateurs jeunesse ont acceptés de se mobiliser pour la nature et nous offrent chaque semaine deux défis à colorier. Toutes les illustrations sont gratuites et peuvent être téléchargée sur ce site. En collaboration avec deux écoles suisses qui ont énumérés avec leurs propres mots quarante gestes simples à la portée de chacun. Une belle occasion de faire rimer créativité et solidarité!
Posté par Mood for... le 9/17/2008 0 commentaires
WWF adv.
Posté par green bubble le 9/17/2008 0 commentaires
dans Environment, Fresh Goodies, Global warming, Trends and Marketing
Des ours polaires dans les rues de NYC !
L'association américaine «Environmental Defense Fund» vient de lancer une campagne virale en partenariat avec «the Advertising Council». La vidéo admirablement mise en scène par Ogilvy New York représente le cycle de vie, menacé par le réchauffement de la planète, d'une ourse blanche et de son ourson.
Source Influencia - Gael Clouzard
Posté par Sophie Peyrard le 9/04/2008 3 commentaires
Plantware - Structures Made from Trees
By controlling the shape in which trees grow, Plantware creates products that are made of living trees. Modern design styles combined with advanced horticultural techniques allow us to produce elegant products that are also eco-positive. That is, the production and use of Plantware products has a positive effect on the environment.
So by buying a Plantware product the consumer buys both the object of utility that they need as well as a small opportunity to help the planet.
Plantware’s vision is to turn living trees into a new building material, making effective contributions to the ecosystem. Plantware aims to significantly influence initiatives for global warming prevention and eco-living.
Plantware is comprised of scientists, horticulturists and designers.
Posté par green bubble le 9/02/2008 0 commentaires